Global Innovation Index
The Global Innovation Index (GII) is a ranking of countries as per their success and capacity in innovation. It is published yearly by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). India has been ranked as the 48th most innovative nation in the world in 2020; entering the top 50 nations for the first time.
- GII is developed jointly by Cornell University, INSEAD and World Intellectual Property Organization.
- GII 2020 ranks 131 economies based on 80 indicators, compiled under 7 pillars.
- India is in the top half of the GII rankings in 2020.
- India has retained its position as the most innovative country among Central and South Asian countries.

India ranks 61st in the input pillar “Institutions”, showing a jump of 16 places as compared to the previous year. Aspects such as political environment, regulatory environment and business environment capture the institutional framework of a country.
- In the brightest spot is “Business Environment” in which India ranks 62nd. The country has seen a major improvement with a jump of 39 places as compared to GII 2019 rankings.

"Infrastructure" measures the performance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in a country, general infrastructure and ecological sustainability.
- India ranks 9th in terms of “Government’s online services”, an index that shows the use of ICTs by the government for delivering public services at the national level.

"Business Sophistication" assesses how conducive firms are for innovation in promoting activities. India ranks 55th in “Business Sophistication” in 2020, showing a jump of 10 spots from the previous year.
- India has made significant improvements in “Knowledge Absorption” and stands at 39th position in 2020 as compared to 56th in 2019.
- In terms of “Intellectual property payments” and “High-tech imports”, India ranks 27th and 29th respectively.

The pillar "Knowledge and Technology Outputs" covers all those variables that are traditionally thought to be the fruits of inventions or innovations. It spans around facets of knowledge creation, knowledge impact and knowledge diffusion.
- India has performed remarkably well in terms of “ICT services exports (as % of total trade)” and secured the 1st rank globally.

"Creative Outputs" measure the role of creativity for innovation spanning across intangible assets, creative goods and services and online creativity.
- In terms of “Intangible assets” which cover parameters such as “Trademarks” and “Industrial designs”, India stands at the 67th position in 2020 as compared to 81st in 2019.
- In terms of “Cultural & creative services exports” and “Creative goods exports”, India ranks 21st and 23rd respectively.